Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Day 15 - I've made it to JOG!

Awoke cold tired and stiff, not really in the mood to do anything however I got myself up and I headed off for the final 17 miles of my journey. Coming into JOG you can see the Orkney Islands in the distance across a short stretch of water. I stopped at the JOG town sign and some kind chap took my completion photo for me. Then rolled down the hill to the end of the road, suddenly I was there - I had done it!

I took a couple of pictures and transit stamp verification signed by the chappie in the gift shop.  Regretfully the cafe which holds to "end to enders" book for me sign wasn't open but I grabbed a cup of coffee and savoured the moment of finshing the ride from Lands End to John o'Groats.

Cycled back to Wick to rest and have a few celebratory beers and have decided to rest up completely here until Sunday when I will start my journey home or at least as far as my legs will carry me....

I am so extremely pleased to have made it 908 miles from LE to JOG in some awful weather conditions, on some testing roadways and with physical tiredness and pains which have at times brought me to a stop.  I have ventured on and overcome some tough times but I have made it - yippee yeha!!

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